Our aim is simple: to provide a single-source, easy-to-use library of reference materials – software, manuals, FAQs, photos, links, etc. – exclusively for the Apple II family of computers in order to both preserve the Apple II’s rich history as well as to provide a readily-accessible resource for those who are interested in learning about the Apple II for the first time. We are strictly Apple II – no Macintosh, no Commodore – just Apple II!
The resources on this site have been gathered from a variety of online sources and, most importantly, from contributions from Apple II owners & lovers! We have added more than 1,000 original, high quality PDFs and continue to acquire materials for scanning.
Apple2Online.com is the original online source for A+ Magazine, inCider Magazine, & The Apple IIGS Buyer’s Guide series of monthly periodicals. We have a full library of Beagle Bros, Applied Engineering, Pinpoint Publishing, MECC titles and much more, – and unlike other sites, you can freely download without tracking cookies and other invasions of privacy! We continue to prepare PDFs of manuals & software with the goal of eventually replacing all of the low-quality scans currently floating around the internet with our own high quality PDFs. We actively seek content contributions to expand our offerings & provide a more comprehensive reference environment.
If you have any software, manuals, other reference materials, photographs, etc., that you would like to share, please do so!
♥ Apple2Online is entirely
& open to all!
Beginning in December 2010, we are the official online host for The Apple IIGS Buyer’s Guide, a must-read magazine loaded with software & hardware reviews!

The true genius behind the Apple II

Without this Steve, the other guy would be unknown.